We’re the Idiots.
Manifesto of the Quantum 4th Way Group.
One of our research groups is studying the work of Gurdjieff and the ideas of the 4th Way in the quantum harmonic fields. We can agree that this Way is the best for controlling your own machine and evolving into the Self. See what they say about themselves and their group.
About us Idiots.
We are a research group of Idiots from the 4th Way, that discovers Gurdjieff and 4th Way in the Harmonic Quantum Fields, through the phenomenon of “Rays of Knowledge” or “Korkaptilian Thought Tapes.”
We are truly proud to be Idiots, because we can use our idiot and vehicle-body to observe and even study its oddities from a distance, trying to remain in the silent space of Self, free from the influence of the machine.
In the quantum harmonic field, in connection with the macro- and microcosm, we evolve towards the Cosmic Man, treating the ego as the automatic pilot of the vehicle-body and reducing its influence so that the Captain takes over, preparing the space for the emergence of the new vehicle of immortality, called the soul.
We confirm the Work of Master Gurdjieff
– the Fourth Way is only for idiots.
The Secret of Idiots
or the Key to Understanding
The term “idiot” had a more complex meaning for Gurdjieff, which combined the original meaning – “to be oneself” (the Greek root “idios” means “own” and “I do my own thing”) – with only a slightly pejorative tinge.
Idiotes (ἰδιώτης lm. ἰδιῶται) – a term derived from ancient Greek, used to describe the attitude of a person focused on his private life, in opposition to the community and its laws, in focus from matters important to him.
What we do?
We are looking for a new methodology of work according to the 4th Way, adequate to the people of the present time, in line with the knowledge of Atlantis, passed on by Gurdjieff.
One method is contemplative sessions, conducted in a harmonic quantum field. The method involves using the phenomenon of “Rays of Knowledge” thanks to an invention from MerhlinLab.
The invention is an example of an anti-technology (an analog holographic machine from future) that makes it possible to connect to the information field of planets, stars and the information field of the 4th Way, without leaving home, through a hologram from a photo of the session participant.
Among other things, our research group is using this solution to read Gurdjieff’s works and perform the exercises he recommends in an expanded state of perception during sessions in the harmonic quantum field.
We note that during a session in the harmonic quantum field, a deeper understanding of this content is achieved through:
~ deepened relaxation
~ restoration of quantum effects in the neurology of the brain, disturbed by the disharmonious action of artificial electromagnetic fields (e.g. wigs, gsm, etc.).
~ activation of the 3 centers of body perception, emotion and logical thinking.
The key to understanding this avant-garde method in its practical function is to become familiar with the concept of “korkaptilian thought tapes.”
Greetings from 4th Way,
Idiots Society.
Our Manifesto,
based on the tradition of dear Master G. called
The Toast to Idiots.

About the Idiots by Idiotology

Gurdjieff and his pupils, nice idiots.
Idiotology /The Science of Idiots/ was introduced to the Western world more than 90 years ago, in 1922, by G. I. Gurdjieff in the fom of a ritual: Toast to Idiots.
At first, according to his disciples, it seemed to be simply a fun pastime over a meal, resulting in cosmic revelry and drunkenness. But it soon became “perhaps his strangest and most innovative teaching method,” with the aim of recognizing the “idiot” in himself.
This seemingly amusing idea deepened the understanding of the difficult and altogether idiotic situation of a person in a dream – his irritabilities, identifications, affective behavior, hypersensitivity about himself, taking everything personally, lack of a sense of humor, etc.
Toasts to Idiots began in the Prieuré and continued later, including at Gurdjieff’s apartment in Paris. Gurdjieff taught that feasting together was a fundamental key to evolution, a sacrament and life-affirming ritual that should never be ignored or rushed.
During daily dinners, toasts were given to more “idols,” present in person, seated at the table. All guests were required to toast with Armagnac or vodka.
“There was a pause while Gurdjieff poured Armagnac into the six glasses he had ordered set before him – four for himself and party, one each for the patron and the waiter. He told us about his “science d’idiotisme” which he had studied seven years to create, putting into it all his knowledge of human typicality, polarity and so forth. He then lifted his glass, instructed us to drink half on the first toast and the magnetized patron and waiter to drink all, and gave the first of his famous ritual toasts: “A la sante de tous les idiots ordinaires” . . . To the health of all ordinary idiots.”
~ Kathryn Hulme “Undiscovered Country”
This ritual, Gurdjieff explained, was derived from the ancient Sufi inner practice of following the path of human evolution from the state of nature to the realization of one’s cosmic, spiritual potential. In other words, in Gurdjieff’s “science of idiocy,” there are twenty-one degrees of reason from the ordinary idiot to, as Gurdjieff called it, Our Infinite, or the Divine Absolute. In this hierarchy, even God is an idiot, albeit an “Exceptional Idiot” at level 21.
To begin with, each person chooses intuitively which idiot he or she is from the top 12:
- Ordinary Idiot
- Super idiot
- Arch idiot
- Hopeless idiot
- Compassionate idiot
- Writhing idiot
- Square idiot
- Round idiot
- Zigzagging idiot
- Enlightened idiot
- Doubting idiot
- Swaggering idiot
- True idiot
- Intelligent idiot
- Ingenious idiot
- Multifaceted idiot
- Masterful idiot
- Perfect idiot
- Holy idiot
- Cosmic idiot
- Exceptional idiot
Idiots 17-21
constituted a spiritual hierarchy, reflecting the progressive gradation of objective reason.
Idiot 18
represented the highest development that man could achieve, but in order to achieve it, he first had to voluntarily descend from 17 back to 1, the ordinary idiot.
Idiots 19 and 20
were reserved for the sons of God.
Idiot 21
The exceptional Idiot, God himself.
Examples of idiots
The world of literature, as well as the real world is a nest of idiots. Here are some examples.
Hamlet—a doubting idiot: to be or not to be, that is the doubt.
Don Quijote—the compassion idiot. He goes insane just for the sake of being compassionate.
Candide (main personage in Voltaire’s classic)—round idiot. He is always an idiot.
George Wells (author of War of the Worlds, Time Machine, etc, .etc.)—the consummate swaggering idiot. Here is the epitaph he himself wrote to be placed in his tomb: “I told you so.” He took his swaggering beyond the grave.
Joseph Campbell—a zigzzg idiot by his own admission: He went from one Myth to another without ever actualizing any one of them.
Philosopher Atarnakh (a personage in BTTHG)—enlightened idiot; He knew everything except the thing he had to know.
The dervish Hadji Ashvat Troov (a central personage in BTTHG)- idiot 17, the masterly idiot: He mastered his being.
Mr. Gurdjieff—idiot 18, the perfect idiot, by his own admission: he perfected his being. Here is a good and true story: Mr. Gordjieff was put in jail in New York for one day because of a misunderstanding involving a favor ha made. In his cell there was a Black American and he asked Mr. G who he was and why he was there: “I am Mr. Gurdjieff, and I am here because I am idiot number 18.”
GOD—idiot number 21, the Unique Idiot. I understood this after I understood a cryptic statement Mr. G once made: “God made only one mistake: He created the universe in the form of an umbrella instead of an enema.”
based on Will Mesa with thanks to the author.
1 An ordinary idiot is one who has such a sense of self-importance that he always tries to be recognized. As has been said, he does not take himself by the dog’s tail. The good thing is that the common idiot is the idiot we all need to return to if we want to be the masters of our idiocies instead of their servants. I will explain this in detail later.
2 The super idiot goes through life from one celebration to another. What is he celebrating? He celebrates the fact that he is a super idiot. What else. He has been described as having five Fridays a week, always celebrating. His celebrating is so notorious that he too is described as having the characteristics of hysterical women. Every day of the week is like a Friday and he behaves hysterically as a result. Previously I said that the super idiot loves to dance the Tango. Tango is a serious and rigorous celebration of tragedy. You will never see two smiling tango dancers. This is exactly the situation of the super idiot: he will never smile during the celebration. How could he, if he is hysterical.
3 The arch idiot loves hierarchies and structures. He is always very respectful of organizations and structures, like an archivist, archdeacon, or architect. He always finds himself in a leadership position at work. He would be almost lost without the Group and protects it like a cat protects its kittens.
4 The hopeless idiot is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding classes of idiots. It is the only category with a division into subjective hopeless and objective hopeless. The subjective hopeless has real hope. He is the only idiot who sees his nothingness. He is so hopeless that he realizes he is nothing. The objective hopeless has no hope. Mr. G called him a shit. He is objectively without hope. He’s the worst kind of idiot on the spectrum, and I don’t wish him on anyone.
5 The compassionate idiot is the one who goes to the movies, sees a dog being killed and cries. He can’t hold back his sympathy and will do anything to make others feel uncomfortable. Of all idiots, he is the one who is most often abused by other idiots. When two compassionate idiots meet, they always cry on each other’s shoulders, not knowing what they are crying for. At a funeral, the compassionate idiot is always closest to the sarcophagus.
Within each category, there were several subcategories. For example, there are three types of Compassionate Idiots /number 5/. The first sees a man in need of help and immediately helps him, even giving him his own shirt. The second does exactly the same thing, but only because his fiancée’s father is looking at him through the window. The third kind, says Gurdjieff, “just like that, sometimes he gives and sometimes he doesn’t, depending on many things, maybe even the weather.”
6 The Writhing idiot
Unmentioned categories of Idiots in consultation and supplement.
7 The Square idiot. Mr. G. represented him by drawing a square. He is the kind of idiot who constantly stops and changes direction, making his life full of extreme experiences. Such people constantly stop and change direction according to the principle of once this, once that, once that, once that, but never to the end.
8 The round idiot is the only idiot who is an idiot all the time. Other idiots get a break from time to time, but not this idiot; that’s why he is round. Another of his characteristics is that he is always going in circles without even knowing why he is doing it. Another time I said that only common idiots dance the waltz. You only have to look at yourself dancing the Waltz, spinning in circles for no reason at all, to see a dancing round idiot. Unlike the super idiot dancing the Tango, who never smiles, the round idiot dancing the Waltz smiles, but even while smiling he is an idiot dancing the Waltz.
9 The zigzagging idiot moves in all directions, but never around like a round idiot, but rather in a zigzagging manner. At work, he goes in one direction, learning something useful, and then goes in another direction, learning something else. He’s always trying to learn something new, going in different directions, but the only problem is that he can’t choose one path. He finishes a book on Hinduism, then reaches for another on Jungian psychology, then another on Zen, and so on. There is nothing a zigzag idiot loves more than a living room full of books with a small flower on the center table as a little reminder that there is such a thing as Life and Nature. The zigzagging idiot in the Work always quotes from books on the Work that he has read. I know one young woman, a dear essentialist friend of mine, the epitome of a zigzagging idiot, who always quotes from books on the Work. “Oh, yes, I saw it in Commentaries,” she says. “Well, it’s in the New Model of the Universe.” “What you’re telling me about, I saw in the New Man.” One day I asked her not to quote anymore and to use her own words as a way to develop her own individuality and that what she was doing was a kind of eternal recurrence, and she replied: “Well, now that you mention it, I saw it in The Strange Live of Ivan Osokin.” By the end, the zigzagging idiot has read so many books that he can’t remember any of them. But he is undoubtedly a high-class idiot, because by moving in a zigzag he always learns something. If he dies as a zigzagging idiot, he will have enough knowledge for at least ten more reincarnations.
10 The enlightened idiot thinks he knows everything. He can talk about anything, he can discuss anything. He is an excellent erudite. In the work group, he’s always in the library while everyone else is in a movement class. He’s not really looking for anything specific, like a zigzag; no, he just wants to know more and more about everything, until he reaches the point where his enlightenment becomes a total confusion. If an enlightened idiot and a zigzagging idiot meet at some point in space and time, the enlightened one will continue straight while the zigzagger will take a forty-five degree detour. However, they will never recognize each other, because each is too busy with his own pursuits. Can you imagine an enlightened idiot and a zigzagging idiot being married? Even the refrigerator in their apartment will be filled with books and they will probably make love on the bookshelf because the bed is also covered with books, if they ever make love, of course, because while one always moves in a straight line, the other always moves diagonally. How difficult would it be?
11 The doubting idiot, of course, doubts everything. He questions everything for the sheer pleasure of it. I had a friend who was a complete doubting idiot and he was very funny. You would show him a knife and even before he looked at it, he would ask: yes, but what is this knife? It’s a silver knife. Yes, but what is the weight of silver in it? You won’t believe me, but one day I asked him why he always asks questions, instead of accepting things as they are, without so many doubts and questions, and his answer was: How do you know that I always ask questions?
12 The swaggering idiot is a showman. Everything revolves around him and only around him, all the great things he has done in life, ninety percent of which are lies invented by him to impress others. He is a liar, a complete liar. In the Work, he will make up all kinds of great experiences or all the work he has done just to impress everyone. He will never become the leader of the group, because then he won’t have a chance to share his wonderful experiences, because it’s not appropriate for a leader to confide. Of all the idiots, he is the one who feels most comfortable in the company of other idiots, as long as he has a chance to talk himself out.
Unmentioned categories of Idiots in consultation and supplement.
The Dynamic of Idiocy
Contrary to our chief feature that is a static characteristic of our essence, our idiocy is very dynamic because it is in our small personality.
Mr. Gurdjieff used to ask his disciples: What kind idiot you now? I am implying that our idiocy changes with time. But how is the change to take place. Here is where the secret lies. The movement or change must be downward and not upward. The idea is to go back to ordinary idiot and then grow again through all the different categories of idiots, but this time consciously, that is to say, playing a role. If we do not do that we run the risk of taking with us all the characteristics of the idiot we are. For instance if a person is enlightened idiot and try to go up to doubting, the possibility exists that this person now become an enlightened-doubting idiot. ” So, before we consciously grow back again into all or some of the categories, we must de-crystallize our unconscious idiocy.
I will use myself as an example here (writes Will Mesa – remember that I have been in the Work for more than ten years). At one time I was a swaggering idiot, inventing lies, even during group exchanges just for the purpose of impressing others. Then, with time, I became an enlightened idiot and in relation to the Work that was the time I was reading ISOM, as I relate in my experience in Moments of Idiocy. Then, as I began to get deep into BTTHG, I de-crystallized this idiot and became a subjective hopeless idiot, in which category I spent a good time. Then I became the secretary and treasurer of a group and I became an arch-idiot, always defending the group working for the group. After I left the group after being convinced that the group was not at all interested in studying BTTHG which for me became the sense and aim of my existence, I made it to ordinary idiot where I find myself now. But I am working to go up to master and perfect idiot which should be our final aim. In order to do that I consciously and intentionally try to play the role of other idiots.
The dynamics of idiocy
Unlike our core essence of IAM, which is a static feature of our being, our idiocy is very dynamic, because it is located in our small personality.
Gurdjieff used to ask his students: What kind of idiot are you now? I suggest that our idiocy changes over time. But how should this change occur? This is where the secret lies. The movement or change must be downward, not upward. The idea is to get back to the usual No. 1 idiot, and then evolve again through all the different categories of idiots, but this time consciously, that is, by playing the roles assigned to them.
If we don’t do this, we risk unconsciously taking with us all the qualities of the idiot we are. For example, if a person is an enlightened idiot and tries to move to doubt, there is a possibility that he will now become an “enlightened doubting idiot.” So, before we consciously return to all or some categories, we need to decry our unconscious idiocy.
I’ll use myself here /writes Will Mesa/ as an example (remember, I’ve been WORKING for over a decade). I used to be a conceited idiot, making up lies, even during group exchanges, just to impress others. Then, over time, I became an enlightened idiot, and with respect to WORK, that was the time I read ISOM, which I talk about in my experience in Moments of Idiocy. Then, when I started delving into BTTHG /Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson; G.I. Gurdjieff/, I crystallized the idiot and became a subjective hopeless idiot, a category in which I spent a lot of time. Then I became secretary and treasurer of the group and became an arch idiot, always defending the group and working for the group. After I left the group after finding out that the group was not at all interested in studying BTTHG, which became for me the meaning and aim of my existence, I reached the mere idiot where I am now. However, I am working to reach the level of a master and perfect idiot, which should be our ultimate aim. To do this, I am consciously and deliberately trying to play the role of other idiots.
Listen to “Music for Idiots,” inspired by Gurdjieff’s dances and songs.
Toasts to idiots were discontinued after Gurdjieff’s death in 1949. His followers believed that without his firm presence, they risked becoming an empty form without substance.
However, this tradition is still alive today*, and toasting the idiot within us is both an expression of humble detachment from ourselves and human nature, and an affirmation of openness to the Great that appears when the small disappears.
So … which idiot are you?
… toast to your health too:)
edited based on
works by Will Mesa
Idiots in Paris, by J. G and Elizabeth Bennett, Weiser,
1991 Teachings of Gurdjieff, by C. S. Nott, Arkana, 1961 Gurdjieff,
A Biography, James Moore, Element, 1991
Idiotology – materials group 4th Way quantum.merhlin.com